John Dunkin - Jemima ThomasJohn Dunkin, born February 1772, New York State, presumably of English ancestry (called themselves Yankees), died 1842 in Owen County, Indiana. He was married to Jemima Thomas, born 1770 in New York State, died 22 February 1852 at the age of 82, buried in the Dunkin Cemetery, which is located just north of Quincy, Indiana on a farm, behind a barn and terribly overgrown with brush and weeds as of December 1976. It was though John and his brothers operated a ferry in new York State. Before moving to Indiana, John and Jemima became the parents of at least eight children, Reuben, Benjamin, Freeborn, Abigail, Martha, Nancy, John and David. They made the trip to Clark County, Indiana in 1818, by boat down the Ohio River and continued by horseback. The oldest son, Reuben, stayed behind and joined the family later. They moved on to Owen County Indiana, in 1821 and settled on government land north of the present town of Quincy, Indiana. This farm was known as the Haston Reid farm. (1931). This is where they raised their family and they married and settled on farms nearby. We find that these early ancestors were thrifty, hard-working people, abounding in energy and initiative. That they have carried with them from their native state definite plans for establishing a permanent home in the West is evidenced by their bringing with them apple seeds which they had gathered from cider mills in the East. With these they started a nursery from which many of the earliest orchards of the community were later developed. As we think of them, they must have been typical, hardy, pioneer stock, not too soft for life int he wilderness, but red-blooded, daring, impetuous people, with the unquenchable fire of industry which did so much to build up our strong Western states. The family were regular church goers. Jemima was described as a "shouting Methodist." Services were often held in her home. Some of the second generations were inclined to be aroused spasmodically. As some put it, "Got warmed up every big meeting but lost enthusiasm during the off periods"; was "noted for long prayers", took in everything and left nothing out", "could go to town and back while he prayed." The use of liquor being common everywhere, it was fairly freely used by many of the older members of the family. Some of the family, however, were bitterly opposed to whiskey. Our family, while perhaps properly described as "high strung," has no insanity taint., Divorces are low in percentage, twin are not frequent. There is no criminal taint. Longevity among the older generations is marked. Somebody remarked, "Dunkins don't die." Paralysis in old age--softening of the brain--seems the most common disease. Aptness for book learning is above the average. Histrionic talent is exhibited throughout the family in a latent degree. The property instinct is strong. Almost all members recorded owned their own homes. Community interest is exhibited as well as interest in politics. The older Dunkins were nearly all Democrats. In the third generation some broke over and became Republicans. Benjamin Dunkin - Mary GrisamoreBenjamin's old homestead in Indiana extended, probably, from the George Carter corner south to the Estes Dunkin farm, and he reared his family on what is now called the "Bill H." farm, at present owned by Fred Querry. Benjamin's first wife was Emma Smith. Their children were Mary C., Oliver Morton, and George W. There were ten children from his second marriage to Mary Grisamore; Jemima, Abigail, Catherine, John Wesley, Reuben Henry, Mary Ann, Benjamin Franklin, William Harvey, Lloyd Thomas, Margaret J. John Henry Dunkin - Laura Etta RickettsJohn Henry made the run into the Cherokee outlet 15 September 1893. He settle on a homestead about three or four miles west of Pond Creek, Oklahoma. He made a dugout for his family to live in. They had lived in a nice two-story home in Kingman, Kansas and this drastic change was about too much for the family. They cried when told they would live in the dugout. John and Laura Etta had 8 children: Jenny Leona, infant son, Jesse Caleb, William Francis, Hattie Mae, Margaret Sindyce, Ralph Ernest and Grace Leona. John married a second time to Lola after he and Laura Etta were divorced. Jesse Caleb Dunkin - Effie Grace SharplessJesse and Effie were married in Jefferson, Grant county Oklahoma. They moved to Bloomington, Illinois where their first daughter Ruth was born in 1902. Their second daughter Ruby was born in 1904 in Pond Creek, Grant County, Oklahoma and their third daughter Mary was born in Tulsa County in 1906. By 1911 when their fourth daughter Frances was born, they were in Colorado Springs, Colorado. In 1914, Jessie was working in the mines in Ely, Nevada when Effie died. Traveling by train, he took Effie's body to Independence, Kansas and buried her in the Mount Hope Cemetery. At this time Jesse left his four daughters with their grandparents, Henry and Malinda Sharpless in Independence and returned to Ely where he continued to work until he had paid for Effie's funeral expenses. Jesse was living in Bisbee, Arizona when he visited his sister Grace in Flagstaff on his way to California. None of his family ever saw or heard from him after that. Jesse was a carpenter and a musician, sang and played several instruments. His daughter Ruth thought he probably married again and lived in California. |
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