Johan Valentine Griesemer - Anna Maria Zugk
In 1730 the square rigged ship "Thistle" docked in the port at Philadelphia
on the east coast of our your nation, and among the passengers were Valentine Griesemere
and his wife, Religious refugees from Germany.
They settled in Berk's County, Pennsylvania and as their family grew they spread over
much of Berk's and Montgomery Counties in that commonwealth.

John William Grisamore - Elizabeth
In 1810 John Griesemore along with his brother Jacob, made the long and dangerous trek
through the wilderness and finally settled in Clark County, Indiana just north of the
mighty Ohio River.
Circuit riders from the Salt River Circuit had, beginning in 1756 and starting with the
Rev. Samuel Parker and Edward Talbot, been taking care of the regions religious needs
until 1801. From 1802 many consecrated men carried on Gods work through the homes of the
members and then the Union Meeting House. This all ended in 1838 when the United States
Government bought the ground for a war time Powder Plant. The Union Church was razed and
the cemetery under the conditions of the sale was fenced and will be eternally cared for
by the Government. Union Cemetery - inside of government ammunition depot ground, Utica
twp. Clarke Co., Indiana. John Grisamere d 26 Sep 1826, age 64 yrs, 6 mo and 26 days.
Elizabeth, wife of John Grisamore d 13 Apr 1845, age 82 yr.

Clark Co. Wills Vol. A 1801-1817
Vol R 1817-1833 Box #136 ct. Ind. State Lib.
P. 342
In the name of God, I John Grisemore of Charlestown twp; Clarke Co. And State of
Indiana, being sick and weak in body, but of sound mind, memory and understanding, praised
be God for it considering the uncertainty of death and the uncertainty of the time
thereof, and to the end I may be better prepared to leave this world, whenever it shall
please God to call me hence, do therefore make and declare this my last will and testament
in the manner following, that is to say first and principally I commend my soul into the
hands of Almighty God my creator, hoping for peace, pardon and redemption of all my sins,
and to enjoy everlasting happiness in the Heavenly Kingdom, thru Jesus Christ my Savior;
my body I commit to the earth at the descretion of my executors herein after named and I
give all my messuages lands and tonements to my beloved wife Elizabeth during her life and
the rents, issures and profits for her own and proper benefit with as much household and
kitchen furniture as she chooses and her choice of the horse beasts, of which she is to
have one any one she chooses any two cows she chooses this all she is to posses during her
life and remainder of my stock household and kitchen furniture shall be sold with as much
of the crop as my wife chooses for the executors to dispose of and my children shall all
of them share in the following manner that is to say they shall all share equal, George
Grissemore , Henry Grissemore, Margaret Homes, Catherine Howard, Sarah Hazard, Elizabeth
Hedrick, Mary Duncan and Mary Duncan and Elizabeth Hedrick shall not draw their shares
during their husbands life in case of their decease before their husbands their children
that is now living shall draw their shears when they shall respectively become of age and
in case aforesaid, Elizabeth Hedricks and Mary Duncan surviving their husbands shall be
entitled to draw said share and shares after their husbands decease but not before...and
after my wife's decease the place I now own shall be sold and equally divided (the money
arising from said sale, between my children as aforesaid that is George Grissemore, Henry
Grissemore, Margaret Homes, Catharine Howard, Sarah Hazard, Elizabeth hendricks and Mary
Duncan. Mary Duncan and Elizabeth Hedrick shall not draw their shares during their
husbands life and in case of their decease before their husbands their children that is
now living shall draw their shares when they shall respectively become of age and in case
a forsaid, Eliz. Hendricks and Mary Duncan surviving their husbands shall be entitle to
draw said share or shares after their husbands decease but not before. The moveable and
kitchen furniture that my wife is possessed of at her decease with the stock and whatever
shall be left of the rents and profits after keeping the place in good repair as it now is
she may dispose of it in any way she may think proper but the place is to be kept in
repair out of the rents. I will that all the property that shall be sold shall be
impartially appraised and after such appraisement is made whenever my executors shall see
fit. I also will and appoint George Grissamore, Levan Howard and John Hazard my executors
of this my last will and testament signed sealed and acknowledged by testator in the
presence of the subscribers as his last will and testament.
John X Grissemore
Daniel McCready
John Grisemore
25th September 1826
p. 334 State of Indiana, Clark Co. Office Oct. 13, 1826 Proved, George Grissemore and John
Hazard exec. Levan Howard declined.