Edd MosbyEdd Mosby was transported to America and lived in Charles City County, Virginia. The present Westover Church stands on the banks of the James River near the Byrd Family plantation of that name, in Charles City County, Virginia. In the original building of this church, located a mile or so down river, adjacent to the Westover plantation house, Edd Mosby, planter, worshiped, and served as vestryman. He was buried in the church yard there in 1663. The present building, constructed about 1750, mostly of material salvaged from the original, is believed to look much the same as it did in the days of Edd Mosby, who lived and died in the Westover plantation and the church, at both sites, was located on lands originally granted to Francis West, brother of Lord Delaware, a forebear of one of the branches of the Mosby family. Richard is his only known son. Edd Mosby's unmarked grave is next to patch across from President William. Henry Harrison's parents. Tombstones in back ground are the Byrds of Va., (Sen. Byrd`s family) Richard MosbyRichard Mosby, son of Edd Mosby, was transported to America, but returned to England then was transported by a Richard Ballard - claim was placed for headrights April 20, 1663. Claims were filed sometimes many years after the actual transportation. Edward is his only known son. Edward Mosby - Sarah WoodsonEdward Mosby, of Henrico County, son of Richard Mosby was born circa 1660; died 1742; married first, Sarah, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth (Ferris) Woodson. He married second, 1717, Mary, widow of Henry Watkins. Edward and Sarah had eight children: Robert, Agnes, Hezekiah, John, Jacob, Joseph, Richard and Benjamin. Hezekiah Mosby - Elizabeth CoxHezekiah and Elizabeth (Cox) Mosby had eight children: Phoebe, Mary, Sarah, Agnes, Daniel, Edward, Nickolas and Susan. They lived in Goochland and Cumberland Counties, Virginia. |
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